Monday, February 13, 2012

Spring Fever - Looking For Love in the Springtime - Where is It?

In scientific terms, 'Spring Fever' is defined as the time when many are filled with an increase in energy, vitality and sexual appetite. How many of you can say that you have experienced such? In addition, why may you ask does the search for love seem to run amok with Spring Fever?

It is my opinion that most of us are constantly looking for love. With increased energy, that search for love is multiplied. Many people will do just about anything to obtain the love they perceive they are missing.

However, are you really lacking love? Charles Crooks is a shaman and spiritual advisor. One of his most prolific quotes is, "We are all part of the whole and not separate." Under these circumstances, everything is within, including love. Therefore, considering his statement, it is impossible to be alone and unloved once you realize that you are part of everything.

If you are searching for love, might it be more productive and beneficial to allow that love to come from within? You might discover that you never were alone and unloved.

Moreover, while many people connect a fever with being ill, there is actual scientific evidence that supports the physical and psychological symptoms that go along with the arrival of Spring. Melatonin is a natural hormone that influences our sleep and energy levels. During winter months, a person's melatonin is high, whereby one wants to 'hibernate' more. However, as Spring advances, the hormone is reduced by more daylight hours. Therefore, one has more energy and alertness. It is no wonder that many college students want to party during springtime, usually beginning with Spring Break.

To me, 'Spring Fever' is an oxymoron. Why would I say that? A fever implies that we are sick. However, to 'spring' implies forward movement. If we are sick, how can there be forward movement? As shown above, spring fever is an actual scientific phenomenon, and not a sickness.

But, what if we look at the term from a spiritual point of view? Might one consider that all of us sometimes go through 'sickness' in the form of adversity before we may have that 'aha' moment that allows us to turn, redirecting to a more beneficial direction? Therefore, in these terms, one would have to conclude that there is forward movement.

Yes, Spring Fever may be upon you. You may be in the midst of some kind of turmoil, including the search for love. However, realize the fever can eventually break. You can feel better soon. Love is obtainable as it is already there within you. You can rise up fully refreshed! I challenge you to ask yourself what actions you are taking to ensure your spiritual health.

Copyright Statement:

This article was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the article. Further articles are also available. Contact the author for more information.

About this Author

Cindy L. Herb, author of Awakening the Spirit: The Open Wide Like a Floozy Chronicles, specializes in emotional healing, helping others overcome adversity and find joy. As The Joyful Survivor, Cindy offers others an alternative approach to healing from any trauma, through a simple, proven process. To get FREE help, please visit the author's website. Copyright 2009-2011 Cindy L. Herb, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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