Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How to Make Your Man Love You For a Long Time - 2 Astonishingly Easy Secrets For Love That Lasts

Who else wants to know how to make your man love you for a really long time?

If you are anything like many of the women reading this right now, the simple truth is you've probably got your hand held high, right? It's true... and as we approach yet another Valentines Day celebration this weekend, the one theme that keeps being raised over and over again by our readers is how to build enduring relationships that last the long haul... even while everyone else's are falling to pieces!

With this in mind, let's take a quick and easy look at 2 astonishingly easy ways to keep your man in love ( and LUST!) for a long while to come!

Keep up the Challenge:

Yes, it's human nature, and yes it works. Is it a bit sneaky to keep him guessing a little bit in little areas of the relationship? I agree, it is! But make it fun, keep him curious, and make the romance into an ever evolving adventure. He will never get enough of you if you do!

The 3 "E's" of Amazing Intimacy:

Be exotic, erotic and energetic between the sheets! Yes, he wants you to take care of him when he's sick, take care of the checkbook and support him when he's got a problem with his boss. But he ALSO wants you to be a wild woman in bed too - and this is the key to a relationship that lasts! Remember - friendship is an incredibly important component of any long term relationship, but attraction, and passion and raw romance are what keeps the fire burning, and brimming over for years and years to come!

Warning! Does your man really love you?

Take the healthy relationship quiz and find out!

BrokenHeartRx: Helping Ordinary Women Everywhere Turn Their Pain... into POWER!

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