Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How to Stay in Love For a Long Time

Staying in love is not something you can take for granted.

Love in itself is simply not enough to keep you feeling the same way. It may be the last thing you want to hear, but if you want your marriage or relationship to last you must pay attention and work at it.

So many couples don't want to work at their relationship, wrongly thinking that everything will work itself out. A marriage is like anything else in life - if you want it to last a significant amount of time you must nourish and look after it.

A good first step is to step back and really enjoy each other's company and not take each other for granted. Once you have tied the knot it is easy to become complacent. But with the divorce rate so high you must take your marriage seriously if you want to grow old together.

What you put in is what you get out. And if you are not putting anything in, you cannot expect to get much out of it. Those couples who report a successful and extremely happy marriage report actively taking an interest in each other. They make an effort to ensure their marriage works.

Cast your mind back to when you first met your partner. Can you remember those giddy feelings of being crazily in love? We all know that this blissed-out state cannot last forever, but you can still re-capture those moments in your marriage today. (Perhaps not all the time, but definitely some of the time.)

Part of staying in love is treating your partner as you would a friend. Just because someone is family doesn't give you the right to treat them badly. Even treating your partner as you would treat a stranger is probably better than how you treat each other now. We treat new people we meet with respect and courtesy. We would do well to treat the most important person in our lives in the same way.

Do you spend quality time together? Sometimes we can get so busy caught up with daily living, we forget our partner. How about going on regular dates - even if it is just once a week? Take the time to re-discover each other and remember why you fell in love in the first place.

By doing all of the above things you will have a stronger marriage and staying in love will be easily achieved.

Paula Owen has been passionate about personal growth for the last 5 years. Check out her latest website One Cup Coffeemakers [] which reviews and lists the latest Cuisinart Coffee Makers [] so you can decide which one cup coffee maker best suits your coffee needs.

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