Saturday, February 11, 2012

Make it Love -Two Rules

Do you know how to make a guy fall in love?

Are you headed to love or going backwards? Do you know the simple strategies of love? When is it love for a man? Calm down, it's all easier than you expect.

There are two main rules to follow to make it love. Love isn't forced but coercing is different. A gentle nudge they don't even feel can still move them forward. Love seems so complicated for men, but these two rules will help make the love happen.

Guys are so afraid of falling in love and being with one person. They are programmed differently to be scared when women are so sure it's right. They need much more time than woman to figure things out and see the big picture as women see it. Right now you see a pleasant meadow and he sees a Picasso he can't comprehend with colors he doesn't like.

Rule #1: Don't worry where it's headed. Enjoy what's good in your relationship and enjoy all the time you have to experience it. The timeline for men is much different and far longer and that's just a fact of love. They ride on less emotion, more planning.

Take your time in the lobby to learn about his hobbies. If he loves working on old cars, then try helping with him and let him ramble to you about everything he knows. Maybe you'll learn about an engine and how to change your spark plugs.

Rule #2: It can't be about sex. Sex early on leaves no time to let any emotions and feeling grow on their own uninhibited by hormones. Sex can wait if the relationship is worth it to you both.

You could be causing love to come much slower. Love takes time to progress and sex only keeps it further off the table while the possibility of him thinking about you fades.

There is no rush or deadline on love so quit pushing something to happen. Love works differently for different people and some take much longer than others to reach that point. These two rules to make it love are designed to let love ride naturally because that's how true love forms.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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