Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hip-Pop's Playbook To Making Love Last!

How to make love last without breaking up or getting disvorced

There have been a lot of break ups in the hip-pop world as of late: Demi and Ashton, Kim and Kris, Russell and Katy and more recently, Heidi Klum and Seal. Break ups suck!
So when we read Heidi's last interview as a married woman where she gushes about how much she loves Seal, we wanted to help. 
We wanted to provide everyone a guide on how to stay together, and of course we had to do our guide Hip-Pop-style. There are a lot of couples who are writing one hell of a playbook on how to make love last. And in today's ever-changing world, we're all going to need some help. 
So let's check out how we broke down the playbooks of five hip-pop couples we all love. These duos know how to make it work! 
The Jay-Z and Beyonce Way:
Refuse to talk about each other in public and have very minimal displays of public affection. Because when you do, it melts hearts quicker. Space out all lovey-dovey expressions and comments to every other award show and your love will last a long time.
The Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith Way:
The Will and Jada way is all about wearing it on your sleeve. These two have shown that lots of public displays of affection can go a long way. 15 years and lots of red carpet kisses later, their love is still going strong. Now that's how to stay together.
The Khloe And Lamar Odom Way:
Public kisses, plenty of days and pet names help quickly prove that love can be perfected. Khloe isn't shy about being domestic. She sends numerous tweets about how she's cooking and cleaning for Lamar. She is front and center at all of his games and has created the blueprint for how social media can actually help a relationship.
The Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber Way:
You can learn a lot from young love. Selena and Justin are another hands-on couple, but they do it a bit differently. They aren't afraid to go all out for their love. That somewhat uneasy, 'hey, go get a room-type' love reminds us that sometimes you just can't care what other people might think when it comes to your significant other. 
The Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian Way:
They sleep in different rooms but still found a way to have two children. Now that's a love you can't knock right there. Sometimes when it comes to love you have to have some space. Love doesn't mean you have to be up under each other all the time. Let your lover breath and give them a reason to miss you.

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