Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Looking For Love

Looking For Love?...... Make it Happen

Are you looking for love and not finding it? Would you like to build something real and lasting with a wonderful guy? How do you let love grow when you meet someone who excites you? Love is both exciting and scary. If you are looking for love with someone new, here's how you play it smart.

Love 101- Add a little variety.

Variety is not just for long-established couples who need to spice things up. It's important to mix things up at the beginning of a relationship, too. You don't want to fall into a rut before you even become a solid couple.

Make sure that you don't always do the same things when you see each other. If he only sees you in a certain bar, or you always just go to a movie, the excitement will wear off quickly. Share your other interests with him, or try new things together.

Love 102 - Let him go at his own pace.

No matter how impatient you feel, no good can come of rushing him. You want to build your relationship together. Wouldn't you really rather be with someone who is also looking for love, than with someone who needs to be pushed into it?

Typically, women rush into things very quickly. Men are often afraid of ending up with someone who is nagging or clingy. Allow things to develop slowly. You should both be comfortable with the direction that you are heading in.

Love 103 - Let him bring out the best in you.

If you feel like you have to be someone else when he's around, you need to stop and rethink your situation. Don't just try to please him. You want to show him who you really are. If he doesn't like the real you, then you should find that out sooner rather than later.

Love should make you feel wonderful. It should encourage you to start new adventures in life. Give in to these feelings and allow yourself to develop as a person, not just as a girlfriend. If you are building a new and more fulfilling life, then you are on the right track.

New relationships can go very right, or very wrong. If you are looking for love, be sure that, when you find it, you let it grow into something lasting.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

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