Thursday, February 9, 2012

How Do I Make You Love Me - Dating Tips For Women

The first question you have to ask yourself is 'Is he the one for me? Is he who I want?"

This is the most important question because some women get so caught up with trying to attract a guy and neglect the fact of whether they really want him or not. Yes, this happens. I'm sure you do not want to screw anything up and send him away. So there are a few things you need to take notice of.

Do not seem desperate or needy.

This fact is very important because many women make this same mistake and start regretting. However, it'll be too late by then. So what you should do is to continue leading your own life. Do not spend too much time with him, be it on the phone or meet up. You need to show him you have other things happening in your life too and that your life does not only revolve around him.

Guys do not like women who stick to them like their shadow, if you can show him you have a life outside him, he will not be scared off. Have girl night outs and just stay cool, there is no need to put all your eggs in a basket. If everything doesn't work out, move on.

Be supportive.

Encourage him to spend time with his friends. This is something rarely said by a woman and trust me, he'll love you for it. It makes you stand out from the rest because you make him feel good of himself and also to the relationship. It helps you build a rapport too so that you two can connect at a deeper level. These points may seem simple but follow it, and it can bring you a long way into the relationship you have always wanted.

Do you know that there are strategies and secrets that you can use to attract a man and make him want you badly? It is so powerful that it can even capture a man's heart, cause him to start thinking about you each and everyday. Visit: Capture His Heart.

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