Sunday, February 26, 2012

osposition in making of love

Advance positions for better and more intense orgasms

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You're About To Learn How To Induce An Intense,
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You're About To Discover:

  • Why sticking to the same old sex positions can actually harm your sex life! (Your lover not only gets bored... there are other physiological effects as well!
  • The link between your lovemaking position in bed... and your lover's ability to have intense orgasms!
  • The shocking truth about the missionary position you have been using all along, according to renowned sex researcher Dr. Beverly Whipple!
  • And more


Make Love Like No Other

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And Turned The Art Of Love-Making Into A Science!

Imagine If You Could Make Your Partner SCREAM Your Name With Delight As She Has One Mind-Blowing Orgasm After Another...

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With Simple – Easy to Learn and Explosively Powerful Techniques, You Can Turn the Art of Sex, into the Science of Orgasms! (and I don't mean just making HER love life infinitely better, I mean making yours better too!)

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I'm 22 now and prior to getting Orgasmology I'd had sex with about 10 women in my life. The problem is none of them ever wanted to sleep with me more than once. These weren't one night stands, these were girls that really liked me.
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So, I found and read Orgasmology.
My next date was fantastic! She was gorgeous and I made love to her all night long, giving her multiple orgasms each just minutes from the last - she's been calling me every day for the last week asking me to go out with her again. She wants more sex with me!
I know I couldn't have done this without you guys help so I hope that I can somehow repay you by writing this email for you to show other people thinking about your amazing product.
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Great Britain

How To Make Love To Her For Extended Periods Of Time (Hours If You Want To)...

AND Give Her Earth-Moving Orgasms That Would Be A TEN On The Sexual Richter Scale...

- Make Her Eyes Roll Back In Their Sockets, Her Toes Curl And The Lights And Windows Break Because She's Screaming So Loudly -

Using 3 Simple, Little-Known Techniques, (and I'll show you how here on this website)

Are you interested to continue you reading , click picture below...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

101 Great Love Letters

Make Your Lover Melt With These Romantic Love Letters That You Can Whip Out In Minutes - Whenever You Get The Urge Or The Situation Demands A Response!

Do you ever wish you could write an exquisite love letter that would capture your beloved's heart? Read on to find out how fast and easy it is!

If you've struggled in the past trying to write a love letter, THEN this may be the most important letter you'll ever read.

Because there's no doubt that...

writing your beloved a heartfelt romantic letter is one of the best ways to show them just how much you care!

But if you're like most people you struggle knowing what to write. Don't worry, you're not alone. Heaps of people get stuck when it comes to sitting down and putting their emotions on paper. It sure isn't easy.

How do I know?

Because I've been writing love letters to my husband for more years than I care to count (we've been together nineteen years so that gives you some idea that we're not talking a mere year or two!).

And I know when I started it was tough. I didn't even know how to begin. How do you put all these complex emotions that are swirling around in your head and your heart and get them to make sense on paper?

There's no better feeling than knowing that you are loved unconditionally and to me that's what love letters are about - they're solid evidence of a love that has endured and continues to grow.

But they not only help keep love alive in a relationship, they can stop misunderstandings and resentments from gathering strength and steamrolling into wide chasms. Whenever I get a love letter from my husband I'm reminded that he's doing his best and while sometimes things get forgotten or overlooked, he didn't deliberately forget something just to annoy me. His letters let me see our relationship from his point of view and that's always a good thing to do.

As you can already tell, I'm passionate about love letters because I believe...

Communication is the SECRET to an Enduring Relationship

Over the years I'd mentioned to friends that my husband and I write love letters to each other and how writing love letters dramatically improved our relationship. While most of our friends knew writing love letters could strengthen their relationships too, they allowed their insecurities about their own writing ability to stop them from taking action. That made me feel sad because I knew from my own experience how much more meaningful their relationships could be, if there were only able to express their emotions on paper.

for more tips..visit :

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You

Stop driving yourself crazy wishing the one you want would love you back. Learn how to make someone fall in love with you and have all the passion you've been dreaming of.


LEAD BY EXAMPLE. If you want to make someone fall in love with you, you'll have to fall in love with yourself first. Just as, if you want respect, you must demonstrate self-respect, no one worthy of your time is going to surrender their heart to someone who can't even impress themselves. Think of all the wonderful, interesting, clever, and enchanting parts of your personality and realize how valuable they make you as a person. If you can't think of many reasons to love yourself, love yourself anyhow. How you see yourself and treat yourself shows the rest of the world how you should be treated. Lead with an example of appreciation for the unique and fantastic person you are and others will follow. If you want to make someone fall in love with you, the first 'someone' should be YOU.

CHALLENGE YOURSELF AND GROW. Change is exciting. Change is a mystery. People who challenge themselves, grow, and transform have an aura of adventure that keeps other people interested. It also makes others want to come along for the ride. Keep learning, trying, embracing new parts of the universe. Make someone fall in love with you, and make sure they can't turn their attention away from you for fear they will miss your next exciting development.

FORGIVE. FORGET. BE HAPPY. You may have a lot of emotional baggage left over from past relationships. Perhaps you were mistreated or your trust was violated. Whatever happened in your past that still makes you angry, let go of it. Resenting old lovers sends a message to new lovers that they will be competing with history for your devotion. Be here now. Show the person you want to make fall in love with you that you are free, functional, and ready to fall in love again.

BE POSITIVE. There are worse ways to make someone fall in love with you than spilling joy and happiness into their lives. If you really want to make an impression, ditch the negativity and stand out from the crowd as a beacon of light and positivity. There's nothing more lovable than happiness.

ENJOY LIFE. Make someone fall in love with you by showing your appreciation for life, big and small. Not just fun and exciting times, but dull and quiet times too. Be at peace and enjoy your cold cup of drive-thru coffee. Appreciate the mishaps, the storms, the losses as part of life, and keep focused on the bigger picture: the beauty of existence, not the minor misfortunes.

BE GENEROUS. People who give freely of their time and heart have no problem making someone else fall in love. In fact, their giving nature displays a confidence that makes them irresistible. Not only does it show your ability to sympathize with others, but it shows you are confident that you have more than enough of your heart and resources to share.

HAVE REASONABLE STANDARDS. If you're trying to make someone fall in love with you, have reasonable expectations of what and who that person really is. Even if you do make someone fall in love with you, don't expect that it will dramatically change or fix your life. Don't expect that someone to be perfect or anything more than they appeared to be before you decided to seduce them. Holding someone to an unrealistic and impossible standard is a great way to kill and amazing love affair.

NO UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Love without conditions is something that happens between parents and children, family members, etc. It's not something that should happen in a relationship. Even if you are able to make someone fall in love with you, that doesn't mean you should accept whatever comes along. Hold onto your standards. Never let the one you want think that everything they do will be accepted. When you love a lover unconditionally, you become a doormat. Know how you should be treated and let the one you want know too.

GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT. It's easy to make someone fall in love with you if you know what they really want. They don't even need to know what they want for you to give it to them. In fact, if you can fill a void that they weren't consciously aware of, the effect you have in their life will seem magical. Does the one you want need acceptance, companionship, excitement, stability? Take a look at their personality and life and see if there isn't some unknown need or want begging to be satisfied.

NEVER STOP TRYING. Sure, you can make someone fall in love with you, but then what? If you stop trying to impress your love or lover, your relationship and love will be short lived. Approach making love like it was the first time, every time. Dress like it's your first date no matter how many times you've been out together. Never stop trying to impress the person you want. Keep trying and keep dazzling them. Make someone fall in love with you today... and tomorrow... and the next day.

Give Your Sweetie a Gift With a Longer Shelf Life This Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and couples will be exchanging gifts to show each other how much they care about each other.

Instead of taking the traditional route this year with flowers or chocolates which have short shelf lives, consider being more creative with your gift giving. Your significant other will thank you. Informa Research Services, a subsidiary of Informa plc (LSE: INF), suggests consumers think outside the chocolate box when showing their significant others how much they care ( ).

Make an experience of it Instead of giving your loved one a material item, experiential gifts can be a nice way to change things up a bit. Has your hubby been raving about how much he wants to go skydiving? Has your girlfriend been asking to go horseback riding? Make it happen this Valentine's Day. Groupon and LivingSocial can be great places to snag deals on these types of adventures.

Start saving for your future together now According to the National Retail Federation, people will be spending $126.03 on average to celebrate Valentine's Day this year. Instead of spending that, why not put it toward something you two can share in the future. Do you plan on buying a home ? Start building your down payment now. Putting a significant amount down on your future home purchase will help you qualify for the best mortgage rates , which will help make your monthly mortgage payments as manageable as possible. Roses may be pretty, but they don't measure up to the investment of buying a home for your family.

Subscribe to spend time together Does your sweetheart enjoy movies or music? Giving them a subscription to services such as Netflix or Spotify might be a great way for them to enjoy your generosity all year long. To increase the romantic factor, personalize the gift by adding movies to watch together to your Instant Queue or create a Spotify playlist with songs you both enjoy.

Like any gift-giving occasion, be thoughtful about how you spend your money. Sentiment is a much overlooked value when it comes to gifts. However, spoil your Valentine with these thoughtful non-traditional gifts and they won't be disappointed.

Follow Informa Research Services on Twitter ( @InformaResearch ).

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Permission is granted to reprint this release in part or in its entirety as long as source credit is properly listed.

About Informa Research Services, Inc. ( ) Since 1983, Informa Research Services, Inc., has provided the financial industry's most extensive array of market research, mystery shop, and decision-support information.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Spring Fever - Looking For Love in the Springtime - Where is It?

In scientific terms, 'Spring Fever' is defined as the time when many are filled with an increase in energy, vitality and sexual appetite. How many of you can say that you have experienced such? In addition, why may you ask does the search for love seem to run amok with Spring Fever?

It is my opinion that most of us are constantly looking for love. With increased energy, that search for love is multiplied. Many people will do just about anything to obtain the love they perceive they are missing.

However, are you really lacking love? Charles Crooks is a shaman and spiritual advisor. One of his most prolific quotes is, "We are all part of the whole and not separate." Under these circumstances, everything is within, including love. Therefore, considering his statement, it is impossible to be alone and unloved once you realize that you are part of everything.

If you are searching for love, might it be more productive and beneficial to allow that love to come from within? You might discover that you never were alone and unloved.

Moreover, while many people connect a fever with being ill, there is actual scientific evidence that supports the physical and psychological symptoms that go along with the arrival of Spring. Melatonin is a natural hormone that influences our sleep and energy levels. During winter months, a person's melatonin is high, whereby one wants to 'hibernate' more. However, as Spring advances, the hormone is reduced by more daylight hours. Therefore, one has more energy and alertness. It is no wonder that many college students want to party during springtime, usually beginning with Spring Break.

To me, 'Spring Fever' is an oxymoron. Why would I say that? A fever implies that we are sick. However, to 'spring' implies forward movement. If we are sick, how can there be forward movement? As shown above, spring fever is an actual scientific phenomenon, and not a sickness.

But, what if we look at the term from a spiritual point of view? Might one consider that all of us sometimes go through 'sickness' in the form of adversity before we may have that 'aha' moment that allows us to turn, redirecting to a more beneficial direction? Therefore, in these terms, one would have to conclude that there is forward movement.

Yes, Spring Fever may be upon you. You may be in the midst of some kind of turmoil, including the search for love. However, realize the fever can eventually break. You can feel better soon. Love is obtainable as it is already there within you. You can rise up fully refreshed! I challenge you to ask yourself what actions you are taking to ensure your spiritual health.

Copyright Statement:

This article was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the article. Further articles are also available. Contact the author for more information.

About this Author

Cindy L. Herb, author of Awakening the Spirit: The Open Wide Like a Floozy Chronicles, specializes in emotional healing, helping others overcome adversity and find joy. As The Joyful Survivor, Cindy offers others an alternative approach to healing from any trauma, through a simple, proven process. To get FREE help, please visit the author's website. Copyright 2009-2011 Cindy L. Herb, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Make it Love -Two Rules

Do you know how to make a guy fall in love?

Are you headed to love or going backwards? Do you know the simple strategies of love? When is it love for a man? Calm down, it's all easier than you expect.

There are two main rules to follow to make it love. Love isn't forced but coercing is different. A gentle nudge they don't even feel can still move them forward. Love seems so complicated for men, but these two rules will help make the love happen.

Guys are so afraid of falling in love and being with one person. They are programmed differently to be scared when women are so sure it's right. They need much more time than woman to figure things out and see the big picture as women see it. Right now you see a pleasant meadow and he sees a Picasso he can't comprehend with colors he doesn't like.

Rule #1: Don't worry where it's headed. Enjoy what's good in your relationship and enjoy all the time you have to experience it. The timeline for men is much different and far longer and that's just a fact of love. They ride on less emotion, more planning.

Take your time in the lobby to learn about his hobbies. If he loves working on old cars, then try helping with him and let him ramble to you about everything he knows. Maybe you'll learn about an engine and how to change your spark plugs.

Rule #2: It can't be about sex. Sex early on leaves no time to let any emotions and feeling grow on their own uninhibited by hormones. Sex can wait if the relationship is worth it to you both.

You could be causing love to come much slower. Love takes time to progress and sex only keeps it further off the table while the possibility of him thinking about you fades.

There is no rush or deadline on love so quit pushing something to happen. Love works differently for different people and some take much longer than others to reach that point. These two rules to make it love are designed to let love ride naturally because that's how true love forms.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

How Do I Make You Love Me - Dating Tips For Women

The first question you have to ask yourself is 'Is he the one for me? Is he who I want?"

This is the most important question because some women get so caught up with trying to attract a guy and neglect the fact of whether they really want him or not. Yes, this happens. I'm sure you do not want to screw anything up and send him away. So there are a few things you need to take notice of.

Do not seem desperate or needy.

This fact is very important because many women make this same mistake and start regretting. However, it'll be too late by then. So what you should do is to continue leading your own life. Do not spend too much time with him, be it on the phone or meet up. You need to show him you have other things happening in your life too and that your life does not only revolve around him.

Guys do not like women who stick to them like their shadow, if you can show him you have a life outside him, he will not be scared off. Have girl night outs and just stay cool, there is no need to put all your eggs in a basket. If everything doesn't work out, move on.

Be supportive.

Encourage him to spend time with his friends. This is something rarely said by a woman and trust me, he'll love you for it. It makes you stand out from the rest because you make him feel good of himself and also to the relationship. It helps you build a rapport too so that you two can connect at a deeper level. These points may seem simple but follow it, and it can bring you a long way into the relationship you have always wanted.

Do you know that there are strategies and secrets that you can use to attract a man and make him want you badly? It is so powerful that it can even capture a man's heart, cause him to start thinking about you each and everyday. Visit: Capture His Heart.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How to Make Your Man Love You For a Long Time - 2 Astonishingly Easy Secrets For Love That Lasts

Who else wants to know how to make your man love you for a really long time?

If you are anything like many of the women reading this right now, the simple truth is you've probably got your hand held high, right? It's true... and as we approach yet another Valentines Day celebration this weekend, the one theme that keeps being raised over and over again by our readers is how to build enduring relationships that last the long haul... even while everyone else's are falling to pieces!

With this in mind, let's take a quick and easy look at 2 astonishingly easy ways to keep your man in love ( and LUST!) for a long while to come!

Keep up the Challenge:

Yes, it's human nature, and yes it works. Is it a bit sneaky to keep him guessing a little bit in little areas of the relationship? I agree, it is! But make it fun, keep him curious, and make the romance into an ever evolving adventure. He will never get enough of you if you do!

The 3 "E's" of Amazing Intimacy:

Be exotic, erotic and energetic between the sheets! Yes, he wants you to take care of him when he's sick, take care of the checkbook and support him when he's got a problem with his boss. But he ALSO wants you to be a wild woman in bed too - and this is the key to a relationship that lasts! Remember - friendship is an incredibly important component of any long term relationship, but attraction, and passion and raw romance are what keeps the fire burning, and brimming over for years and years to come!

Warning! Does your man really love you?

Take the healthy relationship quiz and find out!

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How to Stay in Love For a Long Time

Staying in love is not something you can take for granted.

Love in itself is simply not enough to keep you feeling the same way. It may be the last thing you want to hear, but if you want your marriage or relationship to last you must pay attention and work at it.

So many couples don't want to work at their relationship, wrongly thinking that everything will work itself out. A marriage is like anything else in life - if you want it to last a significant amount of time you must nourish and look after it.

A good first step is to step back and really enjoy each other's company and not take each other for granted. Once you have tied the knot it is easy to become complacent. But with the divorce rate so high you must take your marriage seriously if you want to grow old together.

What you put in is what you get out. And if you are not putting anything in, you cannot expect to get much out of it. Those couples who report a successful and extremely happy marriage report actively taking an interest in each other. They make an effort to ensure their marriage works.

Cast your mind back to when you first met your partner. Can you remember those giddy feelings of being crazily in love? We all know that this blissed-out state cannot last forever, but you can still re-capture those moments in your marriage today. (Perhaps not all the time, but definitely some of the time.)

Part of staying in love is treating your partner as you would a friend. Just because someone is family doesn't give you the right to treat them badly. Even treating your partner as you would treat a stranger is probably better than how you treat each other now. We treat new people we meet with respect and courtesy. We would do well to treat the most important person in our lives in the same way.

Do you spend quality time together? Sometimes we can get so busy caught up with daily living, we forget our partner. How about going on regular dates - even if it is just once a week? Take the time to re-discover each other and remember why you fell in love in the first place.

By doing all of the above things you will have a stronger marriage and staying in love will be easily achieved.

Paula Owen has been passionate about personal growth for the last 5 years. Check out her latest website One Cup Coffeemakers [] which reviews and lists the latest Cuisinart Coffee Makers [] so you can decide which one cup coffee maker best suits your coffee needs.

Making Love For the First Time

Making love for the first time is not something easy, especially if you are someone who has very little experience when it comes to sex.

Be it making love for the first time during your wedding night or with a virgin girl, there are things you should take note in order to make the session a memorable one for the both of you.

One very common problem that you will face when making love for the first time is premature ejaculation. The reason why you will find it hard to control your orgasm is because of your inexperience in sex. When you don't have sex often, it is not unusual for you to last less than 2 minutes during full intercourse.

However, if you are in your age is somewhat older, let say about 30 - 40 years old, you stand a higher chance to suffer from premature ejaculation due to age.

Ejaculating too early during lovemaking will leave your partner unsatisfied and a bad first time experience. Here are some tips to help you have a memorable experience when making love for the first time:

Tip One: If you are making love to a virgin girl, assure her that you will stop if she wants to. Since it is the first time she is having sex, is common for her to feel nervous. Your job is to make sure that she stays relax so that she can enjoy her first time.

Tip Two: Take initiative. Don't wait for your partner to guide you what to do. A man should take initiative and be dominant in bed. Women love their man to lead them during lovemaking. A dominant man is a great turn-on for women.

Tip Three: Engage in prolonged foreplay. Foreplay is a very important step to great lovemaking. Take your time to undress her and admire her naked body. Stimulate her erogenous zones such as breasts, neck, inner thighs, earlobes and clitoris.

Tip Four: Don't try anything funny or spectacular. This is not the time to explore all kinds of kama sutra positions. Keep things simple - just do the missionary position.

Tip Five: Try to last as long as possible. You don't want to disappoint her when making love for the first time. During intercourse, distract your mind and don't think about how long you can last. When you feel the urge to ejaculate, rotate your hips. Wait for the urge to subsides before thrusting again.

Making love for the first time can be a memorable experience if you follow the tips I shared with you above. If you are looking for more tips to last longer in bed, check out the bonus tip below:

To last longer in bed tonight and stop premature ejaculation permanently, follow the step-by-step system below...


Looking for A Love Story? Check Out These Books

Whether or not romantic love is in your life, there are several great “love”-themed reads that range from traditional boy-meets-girl stories to those that focus on self-love reflection.

Michelle Wooddell, co-owner of the Berkley Book Corner in Berkley, suggests delving into the world of love triangles, bridal showers and singles ads.

Her favorite picks for Valentine’s reading include:

An Available Man,  by Hilma Wolitzer. New in Hardcover – this is the story of a widower who cautiously makes his way back into the dating world when his children place a singles ad for him.  “Will he find true love again?” asks Wooddell, who lives in Huntington Woods.

The Marriage Plot, by Jeffrey Eugenides, is  one of 2011’s best novels, says Wooddell, and is shortlisted for the National Book Critics Circle Award.  This novel tells the story of three college friends and the love triangle that engulfs them as they make their way in the world.

Girls in White Dresses, by Jennifer Close, is a novel that focuses on three women whose lives are consumed with bridal showers and weddings as they watch their friends find true love. “Will these three ever find the right man, though?” Wooddell asks.

For reflection and heart-happiness, Carol Mastroianni, executive director
of the Bloomfield Hills-based Birmingham Bloomfield Community Coalition,
suggests non-fiction tomes, including:

Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert.  Follow a woman and her issues on her inspiring trip around the world to find peace.

The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz (Those “agreements” are: Be Impeccable with Your Word, Don’t Take Anything Personally, Don’t Make Assumptions, Always Do Your Best)

You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise L. Hay. If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed, believes this author.

The Power, by Rhonda Byrne (author of The Secret). Byrne reveals how to have anything you want.

A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle, who believes that with a new state of consciousness, your life can be fulfilling.

Besides working for the coalition, Mastroianni, of Troy, is also a trainer/speaker/coach in soft skill areas. She uses many of these titles for personal coaching.  

Don’t forget the little people, suggest staffers at Barnes & Noble. Snuggle Puppy, a board book by Sandra Boynton, is a huge hit for toddlers and features a heartwarming theme. You can even hear it read by the author and follow along on the pages at a special site for kids.

Looking for a good book? Check here:
Novi Public Library

Barnes & Noble


About this column: Megan Swoyer is a Patch freelancer who is writing a 10-part series on Valentine's Day.

The day of hearts

Valentine’s Day is a huge holiday in the Philippines, second only to Christmas. I suppose that declares to the whole world that indeed, the Filipino is a romantic soul.

Feb. 14 is traditionally reserved for sweethearts, married, engaged or “in a relationship,” all presumably legit. Those who would list themselves in social networks under “it’s complicated” may choose to celebrate around that date.  I guess this avoids further, uh, complications?

The legend behind Valentine’s Day is a little dubious, but it has gone down in history as gospel truth.
It tells about Valentine, a priest in third century Rome during the reign of Emperor Claudius II.  One day, the emperor decides that single men make better soldiers than those with wives and families.  In his desire to build a strong and mighty army, he outlaws marriage for young men.

Valentine bravely defies the outrageous order. He performs weddings for young lovers in secret.  Claudius discovers Valentine’s treachery. He is caught and put to death.

There is a romantic twist to the legend. They say that while he was in prison, Valentine fell in love with a young girl, supposedly the daughter of his jailer. On the night before he was put to death, Valentine wrote her a love letter and signed it, “From Your Valentine.”

“Women never forget a man who remembers.” This was the famous tagline of Whitman’s Sampler in the 1950s. The iconic yellow box with a cross-stitch design containing America’s favorite assorted chocolates has been around for a hundred years.  In my day, this was a very desirable Valentine’s gift!  If a young man brought you a Whitman’s Sampler on Valentine’s, it was a sign of his good intentions.

Trivia: Over a billion Samplers have been sold in the last century. A special issue called the Presidential Tin is the official giveaway token at the White House and on Air Force One.

How do you celebrate the day of hearts?  Are mushy cards still eagerly sought?  How many clicks and drags take you to your virtual romance? Is your Valentine’s greeting a product of cut and paste? Photoshop?

Corny verses
Hallmark used to make oversized cards for Valentine’s. Some had satin cushiony hearts. The verses inside were often corny. But how thrilling it was to receive one.

Many years ago, my daughter got a paper heart from her grade school classmate saying: “Will you be my Valentine?” I almost put our house on the market.

Where does one go on that special day? Traffic gets nightmarish. Roses, even from vendors on street corners, are incredibly expensive.

One young couple will stay home. “My husband will do the cooking this year, and I will make his favorite dessert.  We have a movie date. We will rent a DVD, something our 7-year-old son can watch, of course, and buy popcorn. Everything is so expensive. We want to keep it simple. ”

Another couple I know has been married 48 years.  Their children and grandchildren live abroad.  What will Valentine’s night be like for them?

“Every year we try to rekindle the love that grew out of our first Valentine’s date at the Manila Hotel. He surprised me with flowers and a box of chocolates,” she gushes.  This year, they look forward to a romantic dinner for two with candlelight and music.

I recently saw them at the 80th birthday of a mutual friend. The music was mellow and they danced cheek-to-cheek.

If only one could bottle the magic dust that danced around them!

Do you remember your first “serious” Valentine’s gift?

Mine was a gold ID bracelet with my name inscribed on one side, and a number 5 on the other.  That was the number on his basketball jersey.  I thought that was sweet.  My friends were green with envy. And my parents worried. It was only my second year in university.

That same year a very talented pianist/composer wrote a song with me in mind for Valentine’s. No, he was not smitten, but he said he wrote it for someone who was. The title was “Beloved.” The melody was lovely.
But the words seemed strange to me at the time. What did I know about those things? I was still in school, and not quite over climbing trees and playing patintero.

Dear to the heart
It has taken me all these years to learn that to love and to be “beloved” are vastly different.

Webster’s definition of “beloved” is: “dearly loved, dear to the heart.” There’s a personal and intimate ring to that. To be someone’s “beloved” implies you belong in that person’s heart. No questions, no doubts.

A friend of mine gave up on a relationship because, in spite of her husband’s endless protestations of love after his numerous infidelities, she was tired of being “the one doing the loving.”  She wanted to be the “beloved” for a change. The husband had no clue what that meant. The marriage failed.

I like what American fiction writer Robert Heinlein says about love: “It is a condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”

On Valentine’s Day, there is an opportunity to declare one’s love and make promises. The hype is contagious and one can get carried away.  But roses wilt and fade, and so does the passion of the moment.
When the violins have stopped, can we keep the music playing?

Voltaire said about love: “Love has wings. He comes quickly and flies away the same.”

Those three little words on a Valentine’s card or whispered in your ear do not guarantee fidelity, nor do they promise commitment.  Love is different things to different people.

Here is someone’s very down to earth, and very real description of that “crazy little thing called love.”

“I don’t pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me. Love is when you know all about someone and still want to be with him more than any other person. Love is to trust him enough to tell him everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of. Love is to feel comfortable and safe with someone, but still get weak in the knees when he walks into a room and smiles at you.” (Anonymous)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Purpose of Making Love

Opinions differ on the purpose of lovemaking.

At one extreme sex is seen as something to be endured only for the purpose of reproduction. For others the purpose of making love is becoming one, in the biblical sense. Still others see sex as a biological urge and conquest seems to be the objective.

What is your purpose in making love? You get to choose. Is your purpose to shut your partner up? Are you having sex out of obligation? Is it an expression of your love for your partner? Are you filling a biological urge? Purposes for lovemaking will vary from person to person. It is also possible that individuals may find that their purpose for making love may vary from one experience to another.

There is a range of possible purposes for sex; some of them are lofty and even sacred, and relationship building where others are baser and destructive. When the purpose becomes the exertion of power or control, sex is not lovemaking. Force, manipulation and coercion are always harmful. It is not possible to force someone to make love to you; obligatory sex is always a passion killer.

There is a chance in long-term relationships that couples may lose sight of the their purposes for lovemaking and as a result sex becomes routine. Couples start to invest less of themselves in lovemaking; they pull back and withhold love from each other. Excuses start to surface like I'm too tired, too busy, or not in the mood. Rather than being vulnerable with each other they put up walls and get good at avoiding each other.

On the positive side, the purpose of lovemaking can range from a way to express and increase the passion that you feel for each other, a way to bond or draw you closer to each other; to a pleasant sleeping pill, a fun way to burn calories, or a way to comfort each other.

Your purpose and approach to lovemaking will have a huge impact on whether it is a positive or negative experience and whether it makes your partner more or less sexually receptive in the future. Negative sexual experiences tend to make people less interested in making love. Making love can draw you together, that emotional connection during and cuddling after lovemaking releases the bonding chemical oxytocin in your brains. Oxytocin increases loving feelings and sexual receptivity, greatly improving your chances of making love in the future.

Susan Derry, B.Ed., M.S.Psy., R.P.C., C.P.C.
Professional Counselor & Life Coach
Co-author of Marriage Prep: Beginnings a downloadable marriage preparation course
Offers a free Nurturing Marriage Ezine
Co-author of Intimate Sex: Manual for Lovemaking, a sex manual for couples.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hip-Pop's Playbook To Making Love Last!

How to make love last without breaking up or getting disvorced

There have been a lot of break ups in the hip-pop world as of late: Demi and Ashton, Kim and Kris, Russell and Katy and more recently, Heidi Klum and Seal. Break ups suck!
So when we read Heidi's last interview as a married woman where she gushes about how much she loves Seal, we wanted to help. 
We wanted to provide everyone a guide on how to stay together, and of course we had to do our guide Hip-Pop-style. There are a lot of couples who are writing one hell of a playbook on how to make love last. And in today's ever-changing world, we're all going to need some help. 
So let's check out how we broke down the playbooks of five hip-pop couples we all love. These duos know how to make it work! 
The Jay-Z and Beyonce Way:
Refuse to talk about each other in public and have very minimal displays of public affection. Because when you do, it melts hearts quicker. Space out all lovey-dovey expressions and comments to every other award show and your love will last a long time.
The Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith Way:
The Will and Jada way is all about wearing it on your sleeve. These two have shown that lots of public displays of affection can go a long way. 15 years and lots of red carpet kisses later, their love is still going strong. Now that's how to stay together.
The Khloe And Lamar Odom Way:
Public kisses, plenty of days and pet names help quickly prove that love can be perfected. Khloe isn't shy about being domestic. She sends numerous tweets about how she's cooking and cleaning for Lamar. She is front and center at all of his games and has created the blueprint for how social media can actually help a relationship.
The Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber Way:
You can learn a lot from young love. Selena and Justin are another hands-on couple, but they do it a bit differently. They aren't afraid to go all out for their love. That somewhat uneasy, 'hey, go get a room-type' love reminds us that sometimes you just can't care what other people might think when it comes to your significant other. 
The Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian Way:
They sleep in different rooms but still found a way to have two children. Now that's a love you can't knock right there. Sometimes when it comes to love you have to have some space. Love doesn't mean you have to be up under each other all the time. Let your lover breath and give them a reason to miss you.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Make Him Love You - The Secrets of the Naturals

Do you want to make him love you?
Have you ever watched a woman who makes men love her and wondered how she does it? Do you wish that you could be that natural in it? The thing is that some women are naturals at the art of love. They can make men fall in love with them every time and often without seeming to work at it. While this isn't going to be easy, you can take the secrets of the naturals and make him love you!

Delay sleeping together.
Modern times have given women a lot more freedom sexually. However, the truth remains that it is important for you to make sure that you delay sleeping together if you want a serious and loving relationship. When you sleep together it becomes difficult if not impossible to build up a loving relationship. Holding off is so much easier and will save you heartache later.

Build a friendship.
While you are holding off on sleeping together you should be working to build a friendship. To do this you will want to spend time with them. Make sure that you are having fun while you are doing it. Then you should be there to support him no matter what he needs support in. Take part in his interests and get into the habit of doing things together.

Love him for who he is.
You want to make sure that you take the time to love him for who he is. This means you need to take the time to get to know him. Learn what his strengths are. At the same time learn what his weaknesses are. You should also learn what his bad habits are. Love him for them all. Don't think that you are going to change him, but love him for all that he is.

If you can do these three things you will be able to make him love you. Just remember that you should delay sleeping together. Build a friendship and love him for who he is if you want him to love you back.

Imagine what if you could make any man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you? Click... Bring More Love. You have got to see this!

You can find more about Love by visiting this website.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Disabled Man Looking For Love

Are you a disabled man looking for love? This is How You Do It......

Disabled men are comfortable when they know about their dates prior to their dating engagement. Online dating can help you to get to know the person before the actually date. Getting to know your special love interest when dating is a sensitive issue. This must be carefully handled because the first impression must be a remarkable one and you must be gentle. You should also be ready to take your date on a spectacular journey. This meeting place could be your home, a restaurant or a beach which can make your date feel romantic, comfortable and this can even conclude in a marriage. Hey, you never know. Am I going too fast here?

A disabled man looking for love can be a shy one. Are you shy? This could be a self-conscious thing because you may have little knowledge about sexual relationships and partnerships. And this could make your date awkward. This is why you should get out there and start meeting people to help alleviate this insecurity feeling you may be having. Once you get out there and start dating, you are going to love it and your self confidence will start to kick in.

Another, while dating especially if this is your first date, giving a thoughtful gift is essential, though not necessary, to make the first date successful. As far as mingling goes, light conversation will make your date a comfortable one. The talk should be funny and casual. You can talk about your ideals, work conditions, and your future plans. This will help in making the date a comfortable one. You want to relax in order to avoid making the occasion a mess.

Being honest when dating is important if you want a smooth relationship .Therefore, you must be up front about your disabilities. Another thing you should know, too much expectation in a date should be avoided. Positive thinking and confidence during your dating experience is a must if you wish to impress your date. Now get out there and have some fun.

A disabled man looking for love can find so much adventure. Get out there and enjoy life and do not let your disability stop you. There are thousands here on the net who are waiting to mingle with you.

Looking For Love

Looking For Love?...... Make it Happen

Are you looking for love and not finding it? Would you like to build something real and lasting with a wonderful guy? How do you let love grow when you meet someone who excites you? Love is both exciting and scary. If you are looking for love with someone new, here's how you play it smart.

Love 101- Add a little variety.

Variety is not just for long-established couples who need to spice things up. It's important to mix things up at the beginning of a relationship, too. You don't want to fall into a rut before you even become a solid couple.

Make sure that you don't always do the same things when you see each other. If he only sees you in a certain bar, or you always just go to a movie, the excitement will wear off quickly. Share your other interests with him, or try new things together.

Love 102 - Let him go at his own pace.

No matter how impatient you feel, no good can come of rushing him. You want to build your relationship together. Wouldn't you really rather be with someone who is also looking for love, than with someone who needs to be pushed into it?

Typically, women rush into things very quickly. Men are often afraid of ending up with someone who is nagging or clingy. Allow things to develop slowly. You should both be comfortable with the direction that you are heading in.

Love 103 - Let him bring out the best in you.

If you feel like you have to be someone else when he's around, you need to stop and rethink your situation. Don't just try to please him. You want to show him who you really are. If he doesn't like the real you, then you should find that out sooner rather than later.

Love should make you feel wonderful. It should encourage you to start new adventures in life. Give in to these feelings and allow yourself to develop as a person, not just as a girlfriend. If you are building a new and more fulfilling life, then you are on the right track.

New relationships can go very right, or very wrong. If you are looking for love, be sure that, when you find it, you let it grow into something lasting.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

What Is Love?

The four letter word is the most widely used and I might also say abused in the world today.

It flows so effortlessly through the lips of men and women. It is thrown so carelessly even where it is not necessary. Sometimes it makes me think there is no definite definition of this word. It depends on the context in which the word has been used. The definition of love is at a persons discretion. But what is love? It is subject to debate because there are many types of love. It depends with the perspective from which you are looking at it. Maybe you are a Christian and what has been drummed into you is agape love from the gospels. What about the love that you feel or have towards a sibling? I hope you are also not forgetting the so called love that is said to bring a man and a woman together.

When a man sees a woman for the first time, and he is attracted to that woman it is said it is love at first sight. But the better phrase to use would be it was lust at first sight. This is the most correct assessment especially of such a scenario. The male species in a human being is still an animal and is always looking for potential females to mate with. It is sex that attracts a man to woman but not love. what is love? Love means something different to man. To him having sex with a woman is paramount and it does not mean that he loves that woman. This is the reason why a man is genetically polygamous. There is nothing like love, it is the power of the loin that is attractive. How else does a man manage to have several wives and lovers hanging at the fringes?

Love is an illusion, it is a creation of the mind. What makes us believe there is love is simply because we do not want to change the status quo. It is a tradition passed from generation to generation and who are we to break these tradition? We were brought up believing in the concept of love. We grew up in a society where the word love was being thrown right, left and center with so much abandon. It is entrenched in our minds that yes, there is love. But have you ever sat down and pondered about is? Have you ever asked yourself what is love? And do you believe in it? Do not start biting your finger nails or scratching your head over the issue, it might go bald it it is not already bald.

The so called love that is so much hyped up is only a temporarily infatuation. People keep on falling in and out of "love". People fall out because infatuation is a temporary feeling and once it is worn out everything is over between the two of you. It must be understood that no love was involved. There is a very big misconception of the true meaning of love. Love is used as an escape goat so that people can indulge in their fantasies. What is love? Love is kindness stretched over a long period of time. It is the best way to put it.

Making Love

Over the years I have been aware of a distinction between having sex and making love.
Recently I have come to see how far apart they are. In his book 'Indecent Practices and Erotic Trance: Making Sense of Tantra', John Ryan Haule questions our use of the term 'making love' for anything sexual.

During the first week of March I taught in Cape Town and spoke about this on every workshop. As I did I came to see how clear a concept 'making love' is. We all know what sex is and maybe even have had some experience of making love. When I've spoken about the difference, everybody in the room has agreed.

I've come to define sex as a goal oriented genital activity. The goal is orgasm for at least one of the people involved, both if you're lucky and/or know what you're doing. Making love is a different story. The words themselves tell us that we're going to make something, we're going to create it or build it, or mix the ingredients to get something more or different than when we began.
And because it's love that we're making, our hearts are involved.

Our mouths, our hands, our genitals, our bodies become a channel to express that love.
This tells us that there's an intention involved. We're not unconscious of what we're doing, it's not out of habit, as is often the case with sex. We're aware and awake. We're creating something between us, or just with ourselves, that wasn't there before. This act of creation is really exciting because it's done with pleasure, in the name of pleasure.

It forces us to use aspects of our bodies and minds that we wouldn't normally bring to a sexual encounter. We have to take time to make love, get the mixture right, give it time to brew and bake, to heat and settle.

So we slow down from the speed of the world, we can breathe. And we're saying I'm important, you're important, what we have is important. We have value. In valuing we are nourished.

And in making love we're able to feel beautiful, whatever the body looks like. If you can give and receive pleasure at this level, you will feel beautiful. Think about the relief and peace you'll feel accepting yourself because somebody, even yourself, loves you. Now before you jump down my throat and say, 'What about sex?'

Sex is wonderful, orgasms are great! I teach people how to have better sex, how to have awesome 20 minute orgasms. But if sex is all there is, we have a problem. Because it's not enough.
If sex is all there is we will get bored, that is guaranteed. Once we've done everything we possibly can, with every position, every orifice, once, twice, ten times. We will get bored and look for new levels of excitement elsewhere, or stop having sex. What about those not in a relationship? You're not excluded from making love. This doesn't mean orgasm oriented masturbation. It means a sensual exploration of your body, your face, allowing your heart and your genitals to talk to each other, allowing your hands to express your hearts love to your body, feeling and touching your own beauty.

Being open to your own self. For you are a sexual and sensual being in your own right, regardless of whether you're in a relationship or not. You can make beautiful love to and with yourself. Wonderfully, gently, passionately. Are sex and making love exclusive? Of course not, you can make sexual love. Having become aware of this difference and talking about in the massage and touch workshops, it's amazing to see how these experiences can become acts of love-making, where something real and tangible is made. It's also been incredible to watch people make love to themselves and not even touch their genitals on 'Awakening the Sacred Fire', a journey into your own sexuality.

In one of his songs, Nat King Cole sings about, 'a strange, enchanted boy', who teaches that, 'the greatest gift you'll ever learn,
Is to love, and be loved in return.'
Let's Make Love!

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